Secret Samurai, Book One, Tangled Lives


Anyone following my blogs will know that I’m not a blogger at heart. I need something to really push me before I’ll add to my store. I haven’t been moved recently, curled over my computer, lost in my own created universe. But as we all know, sooner or later, real life intrudes and you have to get your head up and face reality because the book is ready and needs to be launched. Expose it to readers; hoping that comments won’t be too harsh.  

When I launched my first book, Cherry Blossoms, Sushi and Takarazuka, Seven Years in Japan, I did it with bang and a whoosh and a grand celebration at my local Town Hall with the Mayor doing the honours.

In contrast, the launch of this book has been done with a slight quiver and a whisper because, truth be told, a big launch is stressful. Incredibly so.

The invitations are out, the arrangements are finalised and the book is delayed at the printers (it was touch and go).

You worry if anyone will anyone turn up?

Would things go wrong?

Would I be too nervous to give my speech?

And you know how all well planned things can get up and smack you in the face? Just before the launch, I fell over when playing tennis and broke my left arm and my right hand; cut my face, broke my glasses and my nose got in intimate contact with the non-slip hard and harsh indoor carpet of the court.

So this time, there’s no fanfare, no printers, no invitations, no arrangements at all. Just that quiver of anticipation and a whispered announcement thus:

Secret Samurai, Book One, Tangled Lives, is now published and available as an e-book from the Amazon website.

£2.51 will buy you 73,000 words of fantasy and intrigue in one of the world’s most ancient and mysterious cultures.